Reason will detect the sample start automatically. Hit the sample button and Reason starts sampling. Sampling in Reason is simple and straightforward. Blocks lets you sequence your songs using a more pattern-based approach, with the segments of your song as individual building blocks to be laid out in your arrangement. With the new Blocks mode in Reason 5, your sequencer does too. Many musicians tend to think of music in terms like intro, verse, chorus, breakdown, buildup and so on. Or program the loops manually like in the original rex player. Set the player to retrig the loops on the beat, on the bar or on the 16th note. With eight loops to switch between, the new loop player also comes ready for the experimental minded.

This makes arranging a breeze – load the drum loops into one player, the guitars into another and use the sequencer to select what loop to play in a pattern-like fashion. Octo Rex loop player loads eight REX loops into one player and lets you switch between them on the fly. Or use two keyboards on stage for controlling different Reason instruments. Lock a 16-pad controller to a Kong, and use a keyboard to play your synths. Reason 5 lets you use multiple MIDI keyboards, pads, and controllers for playing and recording your instruments. Reason 5’s self-contained song format makes collaborating with your friends a breeze. Make your songs self-contained by embedding samples and even ReFill sounds in your file.

Octo Rex Loop Player, Block Sequencing and Live Sampling. Including Kong Drum Designer, Upgraded Dr. Propellerheads Reason 5 – Updated instruments, effects, sequencing and more for composing, beatmaking, loop-mangling, vocal treatment, songwriting and music production.